Friday, 14 September 2007

He used the cryo.

The bastard arsehole doctor used liquid nitrogen to freeze my moles off, rather than being nice and civilised with a needle and some lignocaine.

Actually "freeze them off" isn't accurate - it takes about a week for them to blister and then drop off. So now I look like I'm singlehandedly reintroducing the Black Death to Britain.

When I did my placement in dermatology, I helped out with the freezing process. I used to hear people moaning about how it hurt, and each time I thought "get over it you big baby, it's just a bit cold."

No, it's not just a bit cold. It hurts! At the time it was just a bit uncomfortable - like, you know when the dentist's drilling your tooth and you're thinking "he's going to stop any minute now. Any minute. Yep, whenever you're ready Mr. Dentist. Okay, stop stop stop it's doing my head in!!" You know? Well, that's how it feels when the -200 degree liquid nitrogen is being sprayed directly onto your skin. Afterwards is when the real pain starts. I was stinging for about an hour ( not five to ten minutes, as the good old doctor told me.)

And the best part? It might not even work on some of them. All in all, I might as well have hacked at them myself with a potato peeler.

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