Friday, 8 June 2007

He's ba-aack!

I know I should've been way more indignant. I should've made him work his way back into my good books. You can't just go missing for two weeks then reappear and expect everything to be normal.

And yet.

Yes, the first of the two men I'm dating (well, sleeping with - let's not overstate things) popped back up to say hello last night. I'd had a really crap night - a group of about 10 of us has gone to this big outdoor party thing, and I'd lost everyone within about two minutes of getting there so I had to come home ridiculously early. Normally I might've wandered for a while, befriended some girl while queueing for the loo, and eventually stumbled across my friends randomly after a couple of hours or so, but I just wasn't feeling it last night despite having a face full of UV paint and looking super hot in my new top. So, home I trundled, stopping off on the way for a few bags of crisps which I consumed in my pyjamas while reading crappy womens' magazines.

Then, 2a.m., my phone beeps:

"Sorry haven't been in touch, been ill and had lots of stuff going on. Didn't mean to mess you around, just been selfish recently." Well at least he's honest. I texted back explaining my crappy night. He replies:

"Not in the mood? Doesn't sound like you! [clearly he knows me well] On way home now, hammered. Getting pizza."

What can I say? I was hungry. I demanded he come over immediately. He didn't need to be invited twice, probably couldn't believe his luck. Didn't even have to grovel. I'm so weak.

It was a great night in the end though. When I'm on top of him everything flies out of my head and all I can think about is how amazing he feels inside me. We fell asleep at about 6, wrapped up in each other. He got up to go to work at 11, and now I probably won't see him for another two weeks or so. Or until the next time he's drunk and horny, whichever comes first.

Where's my willpower? If found, please return to walkallovermeidon'

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