It's insane.
My mum runs a workshop for people with mental illnesses, and it's closing down after 22 years in business because they just don't have enough money anymore. So now people who've been coming here for a massive portion of their lives have to either find somewhere new to go - and trust me, there is nowhere like this place - or just stay at home instead. It sucks.
Meanwhile, there are still orders to get out, so I've been recruited to work there in the factory for the next few days. I've done this before and I know what it entails, but the job I've been put onto is mind numbing. But I'm getting paid (cash in hand, don't tell the tax man) so I can't really say no. Plus, I feel like I owe it to them. Whenever I've been without a job my mum's found something for me, and I need to at least try to give something back.
In other news, my libido is starting to rise again, but I really don't want to go back to my slaggy ways. I keep remembering what it's like to have sex with someone you're in love with. I miss that.
Ex-boyfriend tally: out of 4, 1 married, 1 living with girlfriend, 1 moving in with girlfriend next week.
I can't believe he's fucking married. The bastard.